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Oase - 2

Pestera Cu Oase, meaning "The Cave with Bones", in Romanian, is an archeological site in Romania, near the city Anina, in Caras Severin County, in South Western Romania,  and is home to archaic Homo Sapiens remains. Who are simply named Oase, with different numerical values.  

These specimens seem to have a genetic affinity to the Onge Negritos in the Andaman Islands, and their related cousins such as the tribal South Indians. This could be explained by a migration wave out of South Asia, and into pre historic Europe, as some shared ancestry between these divergent groups is the only explanation for why they're related. The Onge Negritos resemble African pygmies, Oase 2 most likely was a morphological mix of Negrito/Negro types, and early West Eurasian types that were somewhat resembling the Australian Aborigines. All prehistoric Eurasians seem to come from Australoid/Negrito spheres in South Asia. 

In 2015, genetics research, revealed that the related Oase 1 fossil had a recent Neanderthal ancestor, with an estimated 5 - 11% Neanderthal autosomal DNA. This specimen's 12th chromosome was 50% Neanderthal. 


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