Kostenki 14 or K 14, was a short dark featured man, alive approximately 36'000 years ago, who died along the Middle Don River, in Kostenki - Borshchevo, Russia. Hence his name Kostenki.
Had 1% more Neanderthal DNA, compared to modern populations, and was genetically related to South Asians. Specifically Pakistanis, and maybe Afghans as well, clustered amongst them on genetic/PCA tests. Suggesting he had Basal Eurasian, and Australoid, really Indian/Veddoid heritage.
"Australoid" for your information, is an umbrella term encompassing South Asians, Papuans, Australian Aborigines, and other groups in the Pacific region. Who are all linked by a common migration wave out of Africa, and ancestral descent from similar populations. Kostenki 14 is considered to be one of the founding ancestors of modern Europeans.
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